Monday, April 26, 2010


Over the ancestral abode

At the lovely lagoon

Embraced smoothly the west wind

Biding farewell again.

When shall we meet hereafter

Asked the cuckoo atop the palm

Emotions spilled over

Echoed around the horizon.

Springs ran off all its tears

Fell down the fragrant Lilly

Flew away the lush green parrot

Leaving the nest ashore alone.

The birds that weeping aloud

The trees that waving hands

Can ever know the agony

Put to the soul ever unending.

Deserted farther the model
Languished away the painter

Seldom fade the canvass

Nor the picture therein.[to be completed]


One - Countless - One
A - a to z - A
0 - 1- 0


Deep in the womb of soil
With stone and mud around
Over days and nights, I
Laid down in dream of the moments.

The times of joy and fantasy
Feelings of hopes and aspirations
That the good old days gifted
All transformed into me.

Passed by the festivals and seasons
Gone by the friends and foes
Awaited me all along
For a drop of elixir to germinate.

Carried the eloquent clouds with
The nectar of life that sprayed over
Offered salvation to me
With a pair of pretty leafs of life.

It started gazing around
Stepping slowly in the moving wind,
Alas for the callous scorching sun
That dried it into ashes -- ending the dream.


Standing lonely all along

Deserted by creed and clan

With burning fuming lava

He lived with bleeding heart.

Dejected the seeds to germinate

Reluctant for birds to nest

Rejected the animals even to play

He was left lonely.

When long hopes covered him like hermits

Blew a west wind like dream come true

Peeped into by golden rays

Chattered the green leaves atop.

At the finishing awaited the moment

After long suffer of torture and pain

Followed deep in-hail of sooth and sorrow

Gifted birth to a new day.


Deep in the womb of peace and comfort

She slept to wake up on day light

Bloomed with blue and bright petals

She elegantly swung on golden chariot.

Smiling radiant with love and worship

She watched him from east to west.

Into the eyes she gazed insistingly

For him to break the silence.

"Whom did I loose first -you or me" ?

Whispered He[Sun] on dipping into sea.

She[Lotus] set a deep sigh

To close eyes for yet another morning.

[ Drowpati asked Dharmaputra at the close of Mahabharata " Whom did you loose first--- you or me? ]


The sun was trailing behind its ambitions.
Tumultuous inside.
Every one around is after the heat and energy only.
It seemed reluctant to dip in the west as though waiting for something.
There He got a glimpse of Her.A remote glimpse --- Very very far away.
He ran to the top of the globe to have a near look.
Now no way to go--- in either way---- it is down and deep.
She looked at him.
Smiled with glittering crescent.
"I love you" She said.
Pleasant wind began blowing.
He became soothed.
He[Sun] set into west for Her[ Moon] to rise up.